
Saturday 30 April 2011

Z is For... Zzzzz

And here we are - the final A to Z post.

Doesn't time fly?

Anyway - Z.

A tricky one - I had to think hard about this one.

And amidst my thinking I began wondering - why when, in comic books etc., do we show someone sleeping by using Zzzzzs above their heads? Or we say that we are going to catch some Zs...

If it is to convey snoring, after years of hearing my parents snore, I can assure you it doesn't sound like Zs to me.

The only thing I can think of is that you tend to sleep at the end of your day... so the last letter of the alphabet is used to represent the end of the day.

That's all I can think of anyway - there is probably a better and more historically accurate answer out there somewhere.

And with my brief theory about the end of the day and the last letter of the alphabet, I must bring your attention to this being the final post in the A to Z blogfest as hosted by Arlee on her blog Tossing it Out.

Although on Monday 2nd May (Or you could post on the 1st or 3rd I suppose) you can take part in the A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post.

So this it not really the end... it is only the beginning!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to reaching Z! Sounds like a cool challenge and since I only just found your blog via the LBS, I really need to check out your other posts...

I think the Zzzzz... in comic books refers not quite to snoring, but to breathing when we sleep because we breathe deeper and slower when we sleep so maybe that's what the Zzzzz... is supposed to indicate.

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Chippy, we did it! Congratulations! I have an award for you!!

kjmckendry said...

That's a good question. I've never really thought about it. My dad's snoring sounds more like a wild pig running through the forest!

N4M3L3SS said...

+1 from blog hop
cool blog