
Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Intro & Teaser - Yes It's Tuesday!

To take part in Tuesday Intros simply share the first paragraph of the first chapter of the book you are reading or are going to read. Tuesday Intros is hosted by Bibliophile By The Sea.

To take part in Teaser Tuesday turn to a random page in the book you are reading, and share two teaser sentences from that page, without sharing spoilers. Teaser Tuesday is hosted by A Daily Rhythm.

Here's mine:

Tuesday Intro

In the corner of a first-class smoking carriage, Mr Justice Wargrave, lately retired from the bench, puffed at a cigar and ran an interested eye through the political news in the Times. He laid the paper down and glanced out of the window. They were now running through Somerset. He glanced at his watch - another two hours to go.

Teaser Tuesday

It was so sudden and so unexpected that it took everyone's breath away. They remained stupidly staring at the crumpled figure on the ground.

Page 48, And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie


Harvee44 said...

Agatha is always a good read!

Kay said...

I love this book - love it. I reread it last year or rather listened to it again. Dan Stevens, who was on Downton Abbey as Matthew, was the narrator. He did a really good job.

Proxyfish @ Books by Proxy said...

Ahhh! This book is waiting on the top of my reading pile! I must get around to it :D Did you catch the recent tv adaptation of it?

My teaser is from The Copper Promise by Jen Williams

mysm2000 said...

Love Agatha Christie! And British mysteries in general. Ah, I just plain love mysteries. Here's my intro and teaser:

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I'd read more. A.C. is always good for an enjoyable mystery.

BooksChatter said...

Nice ideas!

Happy Blitz day from BooksChatter in the UK!

Robyn Campbell said...

Love your blog. Teaser Tuesday Have a Happy Blitz Day. (Is chocolate in order here?) :-)

DL Hammons said...

Yes...I made a mistake when I chose the BLITZ targets this time. I thought I checked the list, but then I finally realized we BLITZED you last year. Oh well...enjoy the attention...again. :)

Jeff Hargett said...

I have never read an Agatha Christie book. Perhaps I should add this to my daunting TBR pile...

Nicki Elson said...

Hey! My son was just in this play last fall. He played the red herring. ;)

I hope you're enjoying it. It's one of my all-time favorites. And the ending in the book is WAY better than the ending in the play.

betty said...

These are both cute memes to participate in:

Here's the first paragraph of a book I'm going to be reading very soon called "Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus" by Ann Sprangler and Lois Tverberg:

Bethany's steep dirt roads are hard on your legs, especially when you've spent a hot day walking uphill the entire way from Jericho. but the smell of Martha's lamb stew wafting from a cooking pot in the front courtyard of her house beckons your dusty legs to keep climbing. You try to ignore your aching feet and the sweat soaked dirt that clumps beneath your toes, thinking instead of the cool drink she will soon offer. The long hike has been worth it, because the conversation along the way has been absolutely profound. Didn't you feel your heat burning within you as you listened to the rabbi?

Sounds like it is going to be a good book for me :)

Happy Blitz Day!


Christine Rains said...

That teaser grabbed me! Happy Blitz Day! :)

Sarah Ahiers said...

I'm not even going to lie about how much I love the name Mr. Justice Wargrave. It's awesome.

Happy Blitz Day!

Theresa Milstein said...

I haven't read an Agatha Christie book in years, but I used to love them.

Happy Blitz Day!

Natalie Aguirre said...

I love mysteries but haven't read Agatha Christie in awhile. Happy Blitz Day!

Stacy McKitrick said...

I don't think I should post what I'm reading. It's not PG-13. Or even R. :) Happy Blitz Day!!

Chrys Fey said...

Interesting teaser. I've never actually read anything by Agatha Christie before. Happy Blitz Day!!! :D

AJ Lauer said...

Oooh I wish I were home so I could copy in the first para of The Paris Wife, which I just read. It was delicious.
Happy Blitz Day!

Arlee Bird said...

No mystery by now that today is your Blitz Day. Have a happy one!

Arlee Bird
Wrote By Rote

cleemckenzie said...

Atticus said professional people were poor because the farmers were poor.

The rifle cracked. Tim Johnson leaped, flopped over and crumpled on the sidewalk in a brown-and-white heap.

I probably don't have to tell anyone what I'm reading. Decided to revisit To Kill A Mockingbird this week.

Happy Blitz Day

Kelly Hashway said...

I remember reading this in 8th grade. I loved this book.

Happy blitz day!

dolorah said...

I never read this, but these teasers look intriguing.

Kate Larkindale said...

I remember reading this one years ago! Happy Blitz Day.

Zan Marie said...

Go, Chippie, Go! Happy Blitz-a-riffic Day!

Samantha Bryant said...

Oh! I like this idea very much! Of course, it's not Tuesday anymore as I read this. Can I play anyway?

Teaser Tuesday: from Masha du Toit's Crooks and Straights: "But how did you ever fully understand the consequences of any big choice? Sometimes you just had to choose and none of your choices were right."

Miranda Hardy said...

Great way to be reminded of awesome works.

Happy Blitz Day!

GSMarlene said...

What a fun blog! Happy Blitz Day!

Connie Keller said...

One of my favorite books! Glad it's getting a shout out from you.

Happy Blog Blitz Day!!

Corinne O said...

Happy blitz day!! That's a great book. Maybe time for a re-read!

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Happy Blitz Day!

And here's a teaser from my current book:

At the Mall this afternoon, the tourists around me snapped pictures and struck poses in front of their inflated tributes to former presidents and judges and warriors. I tried to enjoy this unprecedented ability to tour an ancient time, to take in wonders that would soon cease to exist.

The Revisionists ~ Thomas Mullen

Ink in the Book said...

Happy Blitz Day!! Hope you have a great day today:)

M Pax said...

That is a great line. Happy Blitz Day!

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

Sounds like "Murder on the Orient Express" except in England. :O)


L.G. Keltner said...

Great teaser! Happy Blitz Day!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Happy Blitz Day!

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Teaser Tuesday is a fun idea! I need to look into this.


M said...

Happy Blitz! I wish I had the book I'm reading handy, but it's up by my bedside. I've laid hands on the book nearest me, though, and here is the first line: "It was a nice day." (The book is Good Omens, which I've been reading aloud to my son.)

Indywrites said...

A very happy blitz day to you!! Have a good one!

Donna Smith said...

Glad you were blitzed today. Loved the excerpts!

Cynthia said...

Happy Blitz Day! I liked reading the quotes that you shared in your recent posts.

Heather M. Gardner said...

I haven't read that in years!


You've been blitzed!
Have a great day!


SpacerGuy said...

Happy Blitz Chippy
This is your time now, enjoy it.
Live long and Prosper

L. Diane Wolfe said...

That's a cliffhanger!

Happy Blitz day.

kjmckendry said...

I've been wanting to read some Agatha Christie lately! Happy Blitz Day!

Anonymous said...

I love Agatha Christie. Happy Blitz Day.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Nice choices!
Happy Blitz Day!

Trisha said...

I still haven't read a single Agatha Christie book - but they're on my to-read list!

Happy Blitz day :)

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

It's been a lot of years since I read any Agatha Christie. Now you're making me think I should pay her another visit. :) Thanks!

Oh, and a very happy BLITZ SAY! (Sorry I'm kinda late, but today is also my husband's birthday, and he took precedence over the computer.)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Happy Blitz Day, Chippy.

Stephen Kozeniewski said...

Happy Blitz!

Anonymous said...

I love the Teaser Tuesday concept, and Agatha Christie is classic. Happy Blitz Day!!

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

My current book is in the truck in the cold. So, I'll pass on the sharing. But I hope you have had an amazing Blitz day!

Unknown said...

My current book is Recipes for Love and Murder A Tannie Maria Mystery.
"I told my knees to stay strong, because you shouldn't wobble when you have a big knife in your hand."
"Jislaaik, Tannie Maria. You can cook, hey?" said Jessie, as she helped herself to some more potato salad."
You have been BLITZED Aussie style. Enjoy your day. Carolyn from Pastimes-Passions-Paraphernalia. org

Michelle Wallace said...

I can't remember when last I read a book by Agatha Christie.
Happy Blog Blitz Day!!
Hope you had a blast!

Toi Thomas said...

Happy Belated Blitz Day.
Nice teasers. I don't think I've ever read any Agatha Christie. Maybe I will.

Mary Hill said...

I loved Agatha Christie in school. Happy Blitz day. ;)

Jaimie Ramsey said...

I've seen movie and TV adaptations of Agatha Christie but never read one of her books. That needs to change! Happy Blitz Day (a day late)!

Chippy said...

I hadn't checked my emails for a couple of days so I've only just noticed I got blitzed... again - oops!

@ DL Hammons - it certainly came as a surprise! :D

@ Books By Proxy - yes I did see the TV adaptation - that's actually what inspired me to read it as I hadn't read any Agatha Christie for a while

Thank you all for your comments! :)

J Lenni Dorner said...

Very cool post. I love the concept of this - openings and such. Happy Blitz day.

Deniz Bevan said...

Love that book! Happy belated blog blitz day!