
Friday, 3 May 2013

A To Z 2013 Reflections

One of the purposes of the A To Z Reflections Post is to share what you’ve learnt and who you’ve met on the journey from A to Z.

In which case this post is going to be fairly similar to last year’s reflections post.

This event always shows what a great community there is here in the blogosphere. And how you give everyone the same challenge and they will all complete it differently. OK so some  participants posts will be on the same theme but they’ll still be different. Whether they tell you about something they like, something they don’t, write a story, a poem or draw us a picture.

My theme this year was to go to my dictionary and for each letter post the definition of the first word I came to that I didn’t know the definition of. In some cases I had heard the word before but didn’t know what it meant. In others I had never heard of the word let alone knew what it meant.

So I’ve learnt a few new words and hopefully taught some other people new words as well.

My favourite of which was probably Jacaranda as a Jacaranda is a beautiful purple blossomed tree - a tree in my favourite colour! Just unfortunate that they are difficult to grow in the UK.

And another similarity between this year’s challenge and last year’s – I have already thought of a theme for next year. Although my theme for next year will require a little more work than just going to a dictionary, which is why I’m starting my list now.

I managed to visit 274 blogs from the participants list during the challenge (well it was actually slightly more but the odd link here and there has been removed).

I hope to visit a lot more (hopefully all of them). I would probably have visited more but I decided (in my infinite wisdom) to take part in Camp NaNoWriMo during April as well as the A To Z Challenge. Click here to see the participants list so you can go visit some blogs too.

And click here to go and add you link to the Reflections post list or just read some other reflections posts.


orneryswife said...

What a great idea for a theme! Like you, I have already been thinking about next year. I have great ideas now, but will I be able to follow through? We shall see!

Congrats on finishing the challenge!

Sanderella said...

Congrats on finishing, I did, and had a lot of fun!! Looking forward to next year too!!

Rob Z Tobor said...

Well done on making it to the end. If I do it next year I will do the same theme as this year as it was a great jolly.

Rob Z Tobor

Jo said...

Congrats on finishing. Your theme was interesting.

I don't go with a theme, other than always posting a recipe.