
Sunday, 25 April 2010

Monday, 19 April 2010

I Love a Good To-Do List

I love crossing items off a to-do list.

So Monday is here, and it's time to take a look at my to-do list from my post on Thursday. What did I manage to cross off?

  1. Write a letter to my doctor.
  2. Complete proof-reading exercise.
  3. Start writing number one of my fairy tale ideas, into an actual story.
  4. Start writing number two of my fairy tale ideas, into an actual story.
  5. Continue research for novel.
  6. Take something from my pile of clothes to customise/adjust and customise/adjust it.
  7. Practice putting false eyelashes on.
  8. Eat some chocolate. ;)
Number eight was naturally the first item to be crossed off the list. :) With regards to item number three I have a beginning and an ending to the story...just need to bridge the gap in the middle now.

Items number four and six may have been completed had some new things suddenly been thrown into the mix:

    9. Fix a broken ornament that I didn't break but got lumbered with anyway.
   10. Washing-up

So new item number nine is almost complete if I can get the bits to stick back together slightly more solidly. And as for number ten...well the washing-up has long since piled back up.

And a couple of items that, although  not on the list, were accomplished today:
    11. Ordered a couple of books to help with my research.
    12. Decided to change one of the two main characters in my novel.

So overall, not a bad weekend's work.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

The Weekend

Every time I have an extended weekend coming up I imagine all the things I can get done. These tasks don't actually get done, and I find myself returning to work with everything still to do.

I have got tomorrow off work, making my weekend this week not two but three days long, and I am going to attempt [yet again] to get something done.

Whilst reading the blog of artist, writer and illustrator Jackie Morris, Drawing a Line in Time, I saw that she regularly puts a 'to do' list in her blogs and then checks off the the items on the list that she manages to complete.

So as encouragement to get me to actually complete a task I have decided to a similar list. Having a list of things I haven't done displayed for all to see might actually encourage me to achieve some of them.

So my list of things to do this weekend includes:
  1. Write a letter to my doctor [so I don't have to spend the next week on the phone trying to make contact with them].
  2. Complete proof-reading exercise.
  3. Start writing number one of my fairy tale ideas, into an actual story.
  4. Start writing number two of my fairy tale ideas, into an actual story.
  5. Continue research for novel.
  6. Take something from my pile of clothes to customise/adjust and customise/adjust it [it must not return to the pile to count as an achievement].
  7. Practice putting false eyelashes on [another hobby of mine, make-up, I've had the eyelashes for weeks and done nothing with them yet].
  8. Eat some chocolate. ;)
Okay, so number eight is only there so I can definitely guarantee that I can cross something off the list by the end of the weekend.

We shall reconvene on Monday to find out what, if anything other than number eight, I have completed.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Random Thought #3 - Muddled Up Lyrics

Whilst singing Lovely Rita by The Beatles to myself, I accidently muddled the words up resulting in a thoroughly different song:

'Lovely meter, Rita made...'

Presumably it would have been a parking meter that she made, but would it really have been a lovely one? :-)

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Once Upon a Time...

At around the same time that I began writing this blog I decided that I would write at least one short story a month…it wouldn't even matter if it wasn't completely finished as long as I had the idea and most of the story down on paper.
Last week I came up with an idea for a group of short stories involving rewriting fairy tales and other classic fantasy stories.
I immediately sat down with a piece of paper and a pen, and began mind-mapping various ideas, that turned each well-known tale on its head, making the good guys bad and the bad guys good.
It was after doing to this to five different stories that I realised that I would have to think a lot harder and look deeper into these stories.
Out of five story ideas, three of them all involved a sinister plot to overtake one kingdom or another.
So it's back to the drawing board for now...hopefully it will not be long before I come across some slightly more original motives for evil 'good guys'.

Friday, 2 April 2010

Random Thought #2 - Scam Emails

One of those moments that make you laugh out loud!

The reason that I laughed out loud: an unscrupulous moron sent me an email supposedly from my bank. Email regarded a possible account theft.

Possible was spelt 'posibile'.

I wonder if it is legitimate. ;) Hmm probably not... [Plus my bank doesn't have my email address]